Category writing

Cultured Content Copywriting

For your audience, in your words. Writing that pays its own way! Copywriting, editing, content marketing. From scratch, or working with what you already have. My name is Dan. How can I help you today?

More About Me

Your ideas, products and services wrapped in irresistible language and delivered to your customers where, when and how it means the most to them.

Why I Blog

I am a professional writer with a vanishingly small portfolio of clips and samples. This blog is my vanity press: I can publish whatever I write. As my blog builds over time, some of these posts may evolve into the wider world of commercial publishers and their readers, giving me both the practice and the credentials I need to […]

Book Review: The Rainbow Comes and Goes

A Mother and Son on Life, Love, and Loss Anderson Cooper & Gloria Vanderbilt (Harper, 2016) If Gloria Vanderbilt seems the most “gilded” survivor of iconic Gilded Age American families, perhaps it is because virtually her entire life has been lived in the media spotlight. She has accomplished much in her long and varied career as artist, […]

“Being Someone’s Unicorn” by Marika Brooks

This is humour writing as it is meant to be done, these days, as far as I can tell. My compliments to the chef! Being Someone’s Unicorn.