Author Archives: Daniel Brooks

Cultured Content Copywriting

For your audience, in your words. Writing that pays its own way! Copywriting, editing, content marketing. From scratch, or working with what you already have. My name is Dan. How can I help you today?

Caturday funnies — Barkalounger edition

Nice job, bob. Thanks, I appreciate the craftsmanship!

Bibliophile humor

7 Words You Need to Stop Capitalizing

Originally posted on Proof Perfectly:
Thank you, Huff Post, for putting a conversation I have almost daily (sometimes with actual people, sometimes in my head) in writing. Please share any annoying words or phrases that you’ve found capitalized in the comments. Without further ado, the awesome article that tells you what’s up–or what should be…

quiet places

Originally posted on our awful, precious fortune:
More good work from my favourite modern poet. our awful, precious fortune View original post

Happy Caturday — cat bowling edition

Originally posted on bluebird of bitterness:
My Saturday cat inoculation… for my cat people. Thanks bob. bluebird of bitterness View original post

I can’t brain today, I have the dumb — bored of education edition

Thanks again, bob. Verry educationel.

Word (for the Daughters of Gaia)

Just let it flow, don’t try to think it too far through; go back later and chip away; whatever’s left is true. You might have to lower the bar at first just a bit, but that doesn’t mean what gets published in the end is shit. The world and all the people who live in […]

La Cecchina

Originally posted on operaramblings:
Niccolò Piccinni’s La Cecchina or La buona figliuola is an opera buffa in two acts written for the Teatro delle Dame in Rome where it premiered in 1760.  The libretto is by Carlo Goldini and, while said to have been inspired by Richardson’s Pamela, is actually a fairly straightforward masters and…

Thought for the Day

Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your children’s job. [brazenly stolen from that canny little bundle of feathers, the bluebird of bitterness]